Journal Notes—August 2014

Journal Notes—August 2014

by Terry McMurry, Editor / Published August 2014  

terry-journal-notes-picHow important is having a sense of humor—especially in the workplace? An article in Forbes magazine offered 10 benefits of humor including: People will enjoy working with you; it is a potent stress buster; it is humanizing; it puts others at ease; and people who use humor tend to be more approachable. Plus humor has psychological, physical, and social benefits. Laughter has been shown to relieve stress, help with conflict, boost the immune system, and cause those little feel-good endorphins to be released. It stands to reason that the ability to laugh easily and often would enhance any workplace and, perhaps, even board meetings. Who wouldn’t want to tap into such a beneficial resource?
    That is why I’m pleased to announce the addition of FLCAJ’s very own comic strip, a new feature beginning in this month’s issue. We hope our wacky cast of characters who live and work at Hurricane Winds Condominium Association will tickle your funny bone with their antics, which are meant to portray a lighthearted look at association living and management. To meet the board members, managers, and maintenance man, please go here.
    FLCAJ has another new addition I would like to introduce to our readers. As FCAP, Florida Community Association Professionals, has grown, we have realized the need to more accurately reflect the services that support the organization—FLCAJ magazine, “The Show” Expo, and CondoJobs Recruiting Service. Therefore we have launched our new website, We hope the FCAP Group will meet the need for a strong network of information in the community association industry. Our goal is to unite the community association industry on a statewide level, bringing together those with the information and those who need the information. Please take a few minutes to check out all that is going on within our organization. If you have bookmarked Florida Community Association Journal, the link will now redirect to the FCAP Group site.
    Everything we do is ultimately designed to help our readers navigate the sometimes-rough waters of the community association industry—both through information and a little fun to add laughter to your day; after all, it is the best medicine.


