FCAP Congratulates Isabella Ghio—The Newest CFCAM!

FCAP Congratulates Isabella Ghio—The Newest CFCAM!

Isabella Ghio stands with certificate.

Isabella Ghio, CFCAM

What Is Your Background?

Isabella Ghio is a CAM for AKAM On-Site. She shares, “I manage three associations: the Duo Master, Duo Condominium East, and Duo Condominium West. I started in June 2018 as assistant manager, and after one year I was promoted to manager.”

She comments, “I was born and raised in Lima, Peru. We moved to South Florida in 2001, and I earned my real estate license in 2008. As a single mother of two teenagers, I worked in real estate and for a large freight forwarding company in Miami as the CEO’s assistant. The CEO was also a real estate investor.” 

Why Did You Decide to Become a CAM?

Through my work in real estate, I worked with many condominium associations and got to learn their side of the business. I was looking for a change in my career, and I did some research and was advised to take the CAM course and obtain my CAM license.

What Led to Your Decision to Pursue the CFCAM Designation?

I believe that continuous education, certification, and hard work are the keys to success. I want to learn new things and to be the best, not only professionally but in everything I do. When I was promoted to manager, Marcy Kravit was my regional director. We talked about continuing my education and obtaining certifications that are available in our industry. She recommended that I get the CFCAM certification first.

What Are Two or Three Major Issues or Challenges Currently Facing Community Association Managers?

In my opinion, the major challenges a community association manager is facing these days are as follows:

The preparation of a reasonable and affordable budget.  Increasing insurance rates, new legislative requirements, reserves, and building inspections are changing how budgets are analyzed, forecasted, and prepared.

Hiring competent staff for budgeted positions with a tight labor market.

Working with residents with difficult personalities and health issues. As managers, we are to enforce condominium rules but at the same time be compassionate to our owners’ needs.

What Professional Achievement Are You Proudest of?

I am very proud of the management position that I have today. The position brings unique challenges, working with three boards of directors and coordinating their three budgets every year. We’ve also completed several construction projects over the last few years, including concrete restoration, painting, and installation of new balcony railings. We have remodeled the elevators and resurfaced the swimming pool and spa areas.  We are in the process of installing fiber-optic cable throughout our 398 units.

Who Has Been Your Biggest Influence and Why?

My biggest influence is my older brother, Atilio Ghio. He is one of the smartest people I have ever met. I learned from him that ethics and honesty should always prevail and that in any job the combination of experience and passion is very important.

What Do You Enjoy Doing in Your Free Time?

I love to travel, go to the beach, cook, and spend time with family and friends. n