by Michael Hamline, Editor/ Published April 2017
The April issue focuses on taking care of the exterior of one’s community association and grounds. When one lives in a community association, there are many exterior elements to be concerned with. For example, the board must be concerned with maintaining the roof, windows, doors, outside walls, and more. The board is also responsible for the pool(s), grounds, and gates that allow access into the community; and other amenities.
Mariann Gerwig of Carousel Development & Restoration contributes to the article “A Foundation for Concrete Expectations” on page 8. Gerwig highlights the importance of having reserves for concrete restoration projects. Furthermore, she points out how maintenance and regular inspections of the building and its structures are the first lines of defense in caring for a community.
In “Living Under the Same Roof” on page 56, Mike Shephard with Advanced Roofing and Sheet Metal shares, “Maintenance is the best money you can spend on a roof. Fifteen or twenty years ago, it was not emphasized in the industry, but it is to the benefit of the property owners because it will really extend the life of a roof.” Shephard stresses common causes of roof damage and how to prevent these damages.
In a security questions and answer column on page 52, Brie Peterson with Envera Systems asks and answers the question “What’s the difference between a passive and a reactive surveillance camera system, and how do you know which one to use?” Also, Jason Jenkinson of Gateworx deals with the important issue of providing emergency responders with the fastest possible access to residents in his article “When Seconds Count” on page 62.
In this April issue, there are several important and interesting developments in the law courts that will affect community associations. Jane F. Bolin, Esq. of PeytonBolin reports on the recent findings of a Miami-Dade grand jury as regards complaints on access to records, management of the association (including elections), and the DBPR’s ability to manage and enforce the law. For a full report and its conclusion, read the entire article “We, the Jury, Find. . .” on page 38.
Alan Garfinkel, Esq. of Garfinkel Whynot reports in “Stucco Problems: Avoid Being the Next Victim” on page 32 about steps to take to avoid having one’s community fall prey to stucco defects. One step is to be proactive in addressing damages; another is to consult with competent professionals. It’s an important read.
As always, we look forward to hearing any comments or questions you may have.