Journal Notes–July 2015

Journal Notes—July 2015

by Michael Hamline, Editor / Published July 2015 

Management companies play a vital role in community association living. They provide important services in finances, maintenance, collections, recordkeeping, bookkeeping, and much more. In this month’s issue, Diane Braswell with Leland Management reports in the article “Compliance with Standards” on the importance of establishing and enforcing community standards. A key takeaway from the article is that residents should be educated on how to comply with community standards so that they might never have need to receive a violation letter. Good and frequent communications of the community standards are vital; therefore, examine the methods you use to distribute information and make use of the most effective channels of communication.

As we know, establishing effective communication in community associations is a work in progress. That is why the article on “Best Management Practices for Optimum Community Living” is a must read. These management companies have seen and reflected on how to improve community association living, and they take time this month to share some pearls of wisdom on topics such as building ownership in the community to embracing technology, from listening effectively to handling angry residents without escalating the situation. Read, learn, and incorporate these best management practices into your community.

Finally, as you are no doubt aware, July marks the second month of hurricane season. There is no doubt that nine years without a hurricane making landfall in Florida, coupled with new residents to the state who have never experienced the destructive power of a hurricane, can lull association residents into a sense of complacency. While it would truly be wonderful for Florida to go a full decade without suffering from a hurricane, we aren’t guaranteed that luxury. To help your community get ready, Elizabeth Bessette with Envera Systems has penned the article “Hurricane Season Is Here: Prepare Now” in which she provides several helpful preparation tips such as having a weatherproof container for your important documents, paperwork, USB drives, and external hard drives that can be used for easy transport when you have to evacuate.  

Communication is important. And, for that reason, I would like to invite you to get in touch with me and let me know if you have a subject that you would like to see us address in FLCAJ.


