by Michael Hamline, Editor/ Published March 2018
Congratulations to all the Readers’ Choice Awards winners! This issue provides more than 60, company profiles from winners that allow community association managers, boards of directors, and residents to get to know some highly thought of service providers. This special feature can be found by turning to page 6. The Readers’ Choice Awards are presented to service providers who demonstrate through their commitment to the community associations they serve an exemplary level of proficiency, reliability, fairness, and integrity. This is the fifth year for the Awards, and there were more than 390 nominations, 7,500 votes cast, and 146 service providers recognized. Many of these service providers have the distinction of being nominated and winning the Awards for their second, third, fourth, and even fifth time, which means that they continue to stand out and are being recognized for their excellence.
Also in this issue is the article “Pipelining—Projects to Borrow Experience From,” with contributions from Mike Douglass Trenchless Technologies, Specialized Pipe Technologies (SPT), and BlueWorks. As Kathy Danforth notes, “Pipes are usually hidden and forgotten, but they serve critical functions in buildings and thus can leap up the priority list for an association.” The project profiles that are presented here are done so with the purpose of helping communities become familiar with pipe lining and how it might work for their community. To find out more, read the article on page 122.
Other articles you should take the opportunity to read this month are “Florida Supreme Court’s Latest Construction Defect Decision: Triggering the Insurer’s Duty to Defend in the Pre-Suit Process” from Haber Slade P.A., “2018 Legislative Session Update” by Becker & Poliakoff, “Pioneering Energy Modernization—Three Years Later” by Commercial Energy Specialists, “How to Secure for Spring Break” by Envera Systems, “Anticipating and Fielding Resident Concerns During Pavement Preservation Projects” by Pavement Technology Inc, and more.
So this month, enjoy reading about what makes these Readers’ Choice Award Winners stand above their competition and don’t hesitate to take away lessons from the other articles that fill out this issue.