By Betsy Barbieux, CAM, CFCAM / Published October 2018
Who knew there was such a word as “multipotentialite” and that it perfectly describes a community association manager who has multiple job-related skills? The younger generation thinks they have discovered something new—that a person acquires many skills over a lifetime of work and involvement with others that build on each other and bring benefits to your present work.
Just look at some of the skills of a CAM. These are not acquired overnight!
Overall, the CAM has a working knowledge of the following, none of which are acquired overnight!
Florida community association managers are “multipotentialite” leaders.
The Visionary is committed to growth, looks beyond immediate problems to root causes, and develops precise steps of action to achieve success. This leadership perspective may be described as wise, discerning, trusting, discrete, loving, creative, and enthusiastic. The Visionary has the ability to understand the deeper reason as to why things happen. He has a keen sense of cause and effect and usually has a step-by-step backup plan for getting out of trouble.
The Teacher imparts wisdom, maturity, and skill to others; validates direction; and ensures completeness. This leadership perspective may be described as self controlled, respectful, diligent, thorough, dependable, secure, and patient. The Teacher likes to research every aspect of a project. She has a tendency to cover you up with paperwork that validates her position, but you can always depend on the accuracy of her work.
The Server sees and meets the practical needs of others, freeing them to accomplish their goals, and invests time and energy in others’ success. This leadership perspective may be described as alert, hospitable, generous, joyful, flexible, available, and having a lot of endurance. The Server is aware of all that is taking place around him, especially things that need to be done and people who need help. He may enjoy helping others be successful so much that he forgets to get his own assignments completed.
The Organizer visualizes final results and directs resources for the successful completion of goals. This leadership perspective may be described as orderly, self initiating, responsible, humble, decisive, determined, and loyal. The Organizer has the unique ability to know the right person for the job and can easily delegate. Sometimes she delegates so well, it appears as if she has nothing left to do.
The Mediator is deeply loyal, compassionate, and analyzes the benefits and problems of a given direction, while keeping in mind the feelings of others. This leadership perspective may be described as attentive, sensitive, just, compassionate, gentle, deferring, and meek. The Mediator invests whatever is necessary to heal the hurts of others and shows personal care and concern in meeting the needs of others. He has “big shoulders” and is an attentive listener.
The Idealist can speak the truth boldly, is brave and daring, and has great visions for his organization. This leadership perspective may be described as truthful, obedient, sincere, virtuous, bold, forgiving, and persuasive. The Idealist has the confidence that what he has to say or do is true, right, and just. What you see is what you get with the Idealist, even if the truth hurts.
The Provider is resourceful, prudent, thrifty, and constantly ensuring the best use of all available resources. This leadership perspective may be described as resourceful, thrifty, content, punctual, tolerant, cautious, and grateful. The Provider finds practical uses for what others would overlook or discard and does not let herself or others spend unnecessarily. She very seldom throws anything away and hates to spend money.
Multipotentialite CAMs have varied decision-making styles. They can be capable of making fast-paced/high-risk decisions and focusing on the task aspects, especially the future picture. This CAM can get the job done quickly.
They are capable of making fast-paced/high-risk decisions and focusing on the people aspects and keeping people happy. They can enjoy getting to know their owners and families and will make sure everyone feels welcome.
They are capable of making slower-paced/low-risk decisions and focusing on being supportive along with aspects such as harmony, peace, simplicity, and teamwork. They prefer to take time to think about their decisions. They will spend time gauging the impact of their decisions on the community as a whole and on the people in particular.
They are capable of making slower-paced/low-risk decisions and focusing on the tasks, especially the details, laws, rules, and timelines. They will be very knowledgeable about the governing documents, statutes, and Robert’s Rules of Order.
So, I say to the Florida community association manager—You did not learn all this in college. That makes you a Multipotentialite!
Betsy Barbieux, CAM, CFCAM
Florida CAM Schools
Betsy Barbieux, CAM, CFCAM, guides managers, board members, and service providers in handling daily operations of their communities while at the same time dealing with different communication styles, difficult personalities, and conflict. Effective communication and efficient management are her goals. Since 1999, Betsy has educated thousands of managers, directors, and service providers. She is your trainer for life! Betsy is the author of Boardmanship, a columnist in the Florida Community Association Journal, and a member of the Regulatory Council for Community Association Managers. For more information, contact, (352) 326-8365, or