by Terry McMurry, Editor / Published October 2014
The desire for security permeates our lives. Its reach encompasses our homes, technology, jobs, transportation, family, and finances. Have you ever been in bed, just on the brink of falling asleep, and heard a funny noise? You go from feeling all snug and secure to anxious and alert in an instant. Thoughts such as “did I lock all the doors or set the alarm?” race through your mind. It’s comforting to know that there are secure measures in place.
All one has to do is read the daily headlines to understand how many ways our security can be breached. Terroristic threats, theft of private information from our smartphones, identity theft from our laptops, even threats from unprotected borders are just a few of the security risks that threaten our daily lives.
There is no doubt that security is one of the most important issues that communities deal with. It is only natural that our personal and national security priorities will carry over to our choice of and concern for where we live. In this issue, we have addressed ways to improve the safety and security of your association. From the winning ideas of the Communities of Excellence Award recipients for Safety and Security to understanding the importance of well-maintained post orders for security guards, your association will benefit from the expert information presented.
Another great source of information for a more secure community association is the FCAP training material, which will soon be available online. Experts in the field of protection wrote the information contained in the security portion of this resource. As a matter of fact, all the information available in the FCAP Advanced CAM Studies course will enhance any manager’s knowledge of how to maintain a secure, healthy, and well-maintained community. For more information about this program, please visit
Life is unpredictable. There are, however, measures we can put in place to ensure our world is a little more safe and secure. In order for that to happen in our communities, we must first have the knowledge of what needs to be done and what resources are available to help get it done. I hope the Journal will be your go-to resource for information about securing and managing your community association.