Florida community associations have challenging financial decisions ahead…
The boards and community association managers have fiduciary responsibility on behalf of over 9 million residents in Florida’s 48,000 condominium and homeowner associations.
Community associations want to constantly improve the services at their properties but need to learn what their options are. They need your expert advice through engaging Journal articles and advertising that will showcase your brand and educate our readers about the positive changes your business can provide to their communities.
The next 3 issues of the Florida Community Association Journal will include editorial space for your sound advice and innovative solutions in this changing landscape. Topics include budgeting and finance, insurance, legal, regulatory changes, pandemic recovery, property maintenance, security, and much more.
Every display advertiser will be invited to participate with a 150-word article over the next 3 months. Topics include:
Insurance, reserves, banking, collections, and financing in the ongoing recovery.
Recovery III. Preferred FCAP member profiles plus special content showcasing services to community associations through the pandemic and beyond.
Many board members have sheltered in place this season while others will be returning and looking for your advice for the upcoming season.
This is the time and place to engage every community association in Florida with special 3-for-2 rates.
Ad Size | Standard Rate | Per Month |
1/6 Page | $695 | $463 |
1/3 Page | $1,222 | $813 |
1/2 Page | $1,470 | $980 |
2/3 Page | $1,780 | $1,187 |
Full Page | $2,085 | $1,390 |
The Florida Community Association Journal is the only publication systematically mailed to every Florida Community Association.
June 30th is the insertion deadline. Call 800.425.1314 or email info@fcapgroup.com today to reserve your ad and editorial content space.