Manager Contract
Employee Contract
Sample Employee Contract
Management Duties
A menu of skills sought in management to assist in the preparation of a contract, job description or resume.
- Knowledge of personal procedures: hiring, training, supervising, etc.
- Ability to give direction.
- Ability to relate to and motivate people.
- Ability to define job tasks.
- Ability to determine performance standards.
- Ability to train, discipline and fire employees.
- Knowledge of general business management techniques and generally accepted business practice.
Report, Record, And File Maintenance
- Knowledge of good record keeping procedures.
- Knowledge of what records to keep.
Insurance Coverage/Settlements
- Knowledge of government/legally required insurance coverage.
- Knowledge of basic insurance concepts and terms.
- Knowledge of association policies related to terms.
- Knowledge of requirements in the condominium documents regarding insurance.
- Knowledge of available insurance coverage.
- Understanding of adequate insurance coverage.
Coordination of Association Meetings
- Knowledge of the law and association documents related to association meetings.
- Knowledge of meeting document requirements.
Advice and Consultation
- Good listening skills.
- Ability to recognize when professional services are needed.
- Ability to analyze problems.
- Knowledge of potential liability resulting from one’s actions.
- Ability to develop and implement disaster preparedness procedures and emergency plans.
- Ability to understand financial reports.
- Familiarity with laws regarding transition, implied warranties, and related issues.
- Basic accounting skills.
- Budget planning and analysis skills.
- Knowledge of financial reports.
- Knowledge of related federal and state laws.
- Long and short term financial planning skills.
Assessments/Fee Collections
- Ability to establish fee/assessment collection procedures.
- Knowledge of related legal requirements.
- Ability to keep accurate accounting records.
- Ability to work with association’s accountants.
Physical Maintenance
- Ability to determine maintenance and service specifications.
- Ability to analyze and negotiate bids.
- Ability to supervise specification compliance.
- Ability to plan and schedule deferred and/or current maintenance.
- Ability to handle emergency repairs.
- Ability to implement a preventive maintenance program.
Grounds Keeping
- Knowledge of landscape maintenance and pest control.
- Ability to coordinate and schedule landscape maintenance.
Exterior Maintenance
- Ability to plan, schedule and supervise.
- Knowledge of health and safety standards.
- Knowledge of contractor’s obligations
Interior Maintenance
- Knowledge of janitorial and housekeeping tasks.
- Ability to diagnose interior maintenance problems and determine liabilities.
- Knowledge of fire and safety regulations and compliance procedures.
- Ability to maintain liaison with local public safety agencies.
- A cursory knowledge of electronic security devices and equipment.
- Knowledge of relevant codes, laws and ordinances; acquire and maintain knowledge of current state condo laws, fire and health codes, worker’s compensation laws, tax requirements, and local ordinances.
- Some knowledge of Director and Officer (D&O) liability, errors and omissions.
- Knowledge of the Florida Condominiums Act and its amendments.
- Ability to work with the association’s counsel.
Liens and Foreclosures
- Knowledge of related statutory requirements and association board policies.
- Ability to carry out policies uniformly.
- Knowledge of notice requirements.
- Knowledge of how to protect the association assets.
- Ability to deal with complaints objectively and consistently.
- Knowledge of rule enforcement methods.
- Ability to communicate rules.
- Ability to provide documentation of due process.
- Human relation skills.
- Knowledge of problem solving techniques.
- Ability to mediate disagreements.
- Ability to identify the roots of the problems.
- Excellent oral/written communication skills.
General Assistance And Coordination
- Ability to evaluate the legitimacy of owner/resident requests.
- Ability to refuse non legitimate owner/resident requests.
- Ability to determine when an emergency exists.